Sample Report: CT Scan: Suspected Asbestosis

INDICATIONS: Patient with history of asbestos exposure.

FINDINGS: CT exam to the chest was performed at 8-mm sections and filmed at mediastinal and lung windows, with 2-mm thin sections at the base of the left lung.

Multiple calcified pleural plaques are seen bilaterally, with bilateral pleural thickening. A 2.5 x 2.5-cm mass is noted along the posterior surface of the left lower lobe of the lung. Linear and stippled calcifications appear in the anterior aspect. Bronchovascular bundles within the vicinity of the mass appear to converge on the region.

IMPRESSION: The findings are consistent with asbestos exposure. The 2.5-cm mass at the left base is indicative of rounded atelectasis or a malignancy.

RECOMMENDATION: Recommend pulmonary consultation for consideration of percutaneous needle biopsy.